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Happy 2005!

¡ 2 min read
Martijn Smit

Well, another year has started, and I decided to start the website with a clean slate.

Along with a new website, WhatPulse is now running on a brand new dedicated server (no, not running Windows XP!@ :)) sponsored by BigBlueNetwork. They run a few other popular sites such as BigBlueBall and MessengerMods. The blue bar in the header shows a few of their sites.

Leaving behind Interweb as our webhost, it remains a quality webhosting company with excellent service. WhatPulse just outgrew shared hosting. 😉

The new website comes with alot of new features, and bugfixes. For one the ”WhatPulse Control Center” is new, this is a new way of controlling your own profile, along with your team membership, messages, favourites, etc.

Activity Tracking Made Easy with WhatPulse Statistics

A new administrative system behind the website is about 50% done aswell, this should be finished in the upcoming month. This new system will have a better overview of pending account deletions. For example there will be warnings before someone actually gets deleted. These warnings will get sent through the message system, and the suspected cheaters will have time to respond.

I’ll (finally) be building up the FAQ as well, so any questions you might want to add to it, send them them in through ”Ask a question”

Due to the server move the DNS for had to be updated, which will maybe stop you from pulsing for a few hours. Basically if you get a popup saying ”Pulsing disabled because of server move, for more info” you’re trying to pulse to the old server. Note that you might need to restart your client to update its DNS.

If you find anything wrong with this website, please let me know.

I think I covered pretty much everything…have a good one!