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¡ 2 min read
Martijn Smit

Gadget Update

The Window (sidebar) gadget has been updated to fix a bug which causes it to retrieve your stats from the website every second. Also full Windows 7 compatibilty has been added. Please update it if you have it running! (

Dynamic Images

Since the former WSI went offline, people have been asking WhatPulse to host the forum images. Unfortunately, we have not been able to do so, until now.

A new section on the website called ’Dynamic Images’ has gone online. Here, you can create a dynamic image (with drag and drop ease) with your statistics on in. After you’ve created an image, you can use it on a forum signature, on your website, basically anywhere you can please an image on.

Read about how to get started on our brand new wiki:

Activity Tracking Made Easy with WhatPulse Statistics

Knowledge Base replacement

I already used the url above; we are replacing the current knowledge base with a wiki.

This way, you (yes you!) can contribute to the overall documentation of WhatPulse and help new users to get around better. Go ahead and take a look on, see if there’s something you’d like to write about!


Twitter has become a hugely popular service and requests for tweeting WhatPulse stats are growing as well. This is why there is a new page in the control center where you can configure periodic tweets of your stats! If you’re using twitter, check it out at

Speaking of twitter, WhatPulse has its own twitter account ( We will use it for everything to report pretty much everything (website downtime, minor new features, etc) coming down the path.

Bug tracking / feature requests

There have been quite a few different bug and feature trackers used in the history of WhatPulse. A few months ago, we switched to redmine and are convinced this one will stick. 😉

Robbie (Windows developer) has requested a storm for improvement ideas for the windows client, he is working hard to release version 1.7 as a christmas present. Ifyou have an idea, please report it on!

That’s it for now, untill next time!