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WhatPulse 1.1!

ยท 2 min read
Martijn Smit

Geek dialog:

Spawns a small ontop-window which displays your TotalKeyCount and current keycount

in the client.

Show splash screen on startup:

Just as it says.

Refresh trayicon every 3 minutes:

Option to turn refreshing of the trayicon off or on. Comes in handy when explorer

crashes, but causes the trayicon to move to the utter left every 3 minutes.

Ability to reset password via client:

You can reset your password via the client, this will trigger an email to your

current email address to confirm the password

change on the website.

Activity Tracking Made Easy with WhatPulse Statistics

Token system:

Anti-cheat system. Every pulse will have a unique string that must match the

string in the previous pulse.

Logoff profile:

Pulses, then removes the current WhatPulse user from the client so you can

re-logon with another user.

Pulse every x keys:

Ability to pulse when you hit xx keys. Must be a value above 250, 0 to disable.

To installed, please pulse first, then uninstall the previous client, and then install the new one. It may not work if you do not uninstall first!

A big thanks goes out to all involved, and tested the client during development

stages, especially Sabre, for coming up with most of the code. Any feature

requests for the next client can be directed to

Note for linux users: fury has begon constructing a linux client, and is progressing very well, a linux client wonโ€™t be long!