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WhatPulse 1.2

¡ One min read
Martijn Smit

Click counting:

WhatPulse now counts mouse clicks aswell!

Tray icon:

You can specify 3 colors for the tray icon; black, green and blue.

Geek dialog:

The geek dialog now contains KeysSinceLastPulse, ClicksSinceLastPulse,

TotalKeyCount, TotalMouseClicks and your Rank. The totals and the rank

are refreshed every pulse, to keep it updated even if you are using

multiple computers.

Pulse log:

Pulse activity is now logged to a file (Pulses.log) in the WhatPulse

directory, and can be opened via the tray menu aswell.

Activity Tracking Made Easy with WhatPulse Statistics

Online stats:

The option in the tray menu called ‘Online stats’ will take you to

your online statistics profile on the website.

Besides the above listed features, there are alot of small bugfixes,

which you’ll just have to figure out for yourself! They are noticable,

but not really worth mentionable. (For example the background in the

hyperlinks in the dialogs).

Further more, the 1.0 and 1.1 server-side scripts will be disabled in

exactly 2 weeks, there will be a news post about this, so be sure to

upgrade to 1.2 within 2 weeks!